Enjoy health at the highest level

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Vibrant health is a tall mountain that is climbed in 1000 small steps. It’s hard work, but it’s worth it.

Hi, I’m Mary Kay

Let Me Introduce You to
the Principles of
Regenerative Health

The Body is the Healer

The body is the alchemist. The body is the regenerator, but YOU have to provide the right chemistry, the right energy and the right attitude.

Detoxification is the Grand Doorway to Health

Detoxification cleans out unwanted chemistry and obstructions in the body and enables new tissue regeneration. Health begins with detoxification.

Botanicals Accelerate Healing

Botanicals help clean, enhance and rebuild the structure/function of cells. In fact, they accelerate healing beyond what we think is possible.

Learn how to apply these in your wellness routine, and you’ll experience new levels of vitality and health than you ever thought possible.

Why is Wellness so Elusive?

The human body is made up of trillions of cells and two fluids (blood and lymph). Blood is the kitchen. It supplies nutrients to cells. Lymph is the sewer system for cells. Often times, however, the sewer system gets backed up from the chemistry (diet) one puts into the body.

Detoxification is the body’s process for pushing out unwanted waste and obstructions while restoring hydration, energy and function to cells. It’s the bare minimum requirement for heath to be restored.

Blueprint for Health

My goal is to get you on the path to Wellness quickly by teaching you about the human body and how to tackle advanced health problems. Your individualized Wellness plan and counseling sessions are tailored to your goals and include:
  • Health Evaluation
  • Lessons in Physiology
  • Regenerative Diet Guidelines
  • Benefits of Botanicals and Holistic Therapies
  • Exercise and Self-Care Practices
  • Healthy Habit Formation and Accountability
Once you learn the cause(s) of your issues, you can take back control of your body. Health is simple once you know how to lose it.
Contact Me

Wellness Clinics

Fruit Fasting
Goal: Learn the benefits of
fruit fasting.

Fruit cleanses the body. This class teaches you the basics of fruit fasting and how to ride the detoxification wave.

Mind Shifts for Success
Goal: Build new habits that support health goals.

This clinic explores how bad habits get programmed in the brain and describes steps to re-align them with health goals.

Release Stuck Emotions
Goal: Release energetic imbalances in the body.

This class teaches a simple process to identify, decode and transmute trapped emotional energies in the body.


My detox was tough. Mary Kay showed me how to slow it down and provided just the right push to keep going.

Shana M.

Every spring I used to get bronchitis and allergies. Not anymore!! Thanks Mary Kay.

Lani J.

Detoxification is a great tool. I use it whenever I have a flare up with my kidney stones.

Tim B.